
How to Block ads on Twitch? - 7 things you need to understand

Twitch is the most popular video live streaming service operated by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of Amazon. Introduced in June 2011 as a spin-off of the general-interest streaming platform Justin.tv, the situation primarily focuses on game live streaming, including broadcasts of esports competitions, additionally to music broadcasts, creative content, and more recently, "in real life" streams. Content on the placement has viewed either live or via video on demand.

The popularity of Twitch eclipsed that of its general-interest counterpart. In October 2013, the net site had 45 million unique viewers,[3]:38 and by February 2014, it had been considered the fourth largest source of peak Internet traffic within the u. s.. At the identical time, Justin.tv's the parent company was re-branded as Twitch Interactive to represent the shift focussed – Justin.tv was close up in August 2014. That month, the service was acquired by Amazon for US$970 million,[4][5] which later led to the introduction of synergies with the company's subscription service Amazon Prime. Twitch later acquired Curse, an operator of online video gaming communities and introduced means to induce games through links on streams along with a program allowing streamers to receive commissions on the sales of games that they play.

AdBlock block ads on Twitch?

Yes! you'll use AdBlock to dam ads on Twitch and similar video streaming sites. If you’re new AdBlock and would really like to put in it to dam Twitch ads, visit our website to feature it to your browser.

There are some things to stay in mind as you utilize AdBlock on Twitch:

You must enable this feature. so as to dam ads on Twitch, you need to enable the feature on the AdBlock Options page (please note, Twitch ad hiding is currently only available in Chrome, Firefox, and therefore the new Edge browser). If you are doing not enable this feature, AdBlock will still try to block ads on Twitch, but it won't successfully hide the bulk of ads. so as to enable the feature, select the gear icon from your AdBlock menu to open the choices page. Under General Options, select "Enable hiding of streaming ads on Twitch" (see screenshot below).
